Sunday, May 22, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

Sardine Pasties!

The Settlement Cookbook ("The Way to a Man's Heart"), 1934
Sardines! Pie!  What better combination could be found for ingratiating yourself into a man's heart?

I'm just delighted with my new thrift store find, The Settlement Cookbook. Not only lots of whacked-out recipes (I can only imagine that sardines were once more popular, or perhaps 1930's housewives were more in touch with their Old World roots), but also lots of advice for new brides like how to do a proper place setting, or what cocktail to serve to the husband's boss. Expect to see lots more from this book!

So, sardines wrapped in pie crust. No hidden ingredients here (the "speck of cayenne" hardly counts).  It turns out just exactly how you would expect. The recipe:

Your final reaction depends almost entirely on your valuation of sardines (you will probably guess that I didn't come in with a very high opinion of them):
 Our Rating: Four Screaming Husbands!
(all dishes are rated from one to five Screaming Husbands. One Screaming Husband equals a happy home where all problems are solved during cocktail hour. Five Screaming Husbands signals the beginning of divorce proceedings.)