Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Pieathalon X: Anthony Hopkins 4-Star Shepherd's Pie

It's everyone's favorite end-of-summer tradition, Pieathalon! Jenny at Silver Screen Suppers sent me this deLECTERable (get it? get it?) recipe for Anthony Hopkins 4-star Shepherd's Pie - considering the source, one may be forgiven for assuming that the recipe ACTUALLY contains celebrities. Anyway, watch the video below to see how it's made and, more importantly, how it tastes! And be sure to click the links below to cheer on all of this year's Pieathletes!

Dinner Is Served 1972

Book of Cookrye

Silver Screen Suppers

Vintage Recipe Cards

Retro Food for Modern Times

The Nostalgic Cook

Grannie Pantries

Culinary Adventures with Camilla


  1. What a great video!! And a hoot..."where's the cat?" LOL.

  2. "Because it seemed like the right thing to do." I DIE.
    I want to have dinner with you two.
    Also, I need to get in touch with you regarding Christmas Balls.

  3. I was also dubious about the cinnamon, but it sounds like this one is a winner! Want some Aspic Salad Pie to go with it?

  4. Garlic is always the right thing to do. And any surprise Fanny Cradock reference is a horrifying delight.

  5. This definitely had me laughing! Your videos are the best.
